Today, we're diving into the second installment of our medical gaslighting series. Let’s shed light on a phenomenon that affects many individuals navigating the realm of type 2 diabetes management.
Medical gaslighting, though perhaps not the perfect term, encapsulates the skepticism often encountered from healthcare professionals when patients pursue alternative paths to managing their condition. It's a reality many of us face, challenging the traditional understanding of type 2 diabetes as chronic and progressive.
When, after lifestyle changes, we present improved lab results, such as reduced A1c levels and normalized fasting blood glucose, skepticism often rears its head. Doctors may resist changing medication dosages. And let's be honest, it's not entirely unwarranted. The prevalence of failed diets and temporary results underscores the difficulty of sustained lifestyle changes. I talk about it in this brief video.
Doctors, ingrained with years of experience, may struggle to grasp the efficacy of methods like clinical hypnosis and personalized coaching. They nod along, but deep down, doubts linger. Will this change last? Can it be trusted?
This inherent skepticism can feel like a form of gaslighting, casting doubt on our achievements and discouraging our efforts. Yet, understanding its roots in human nature can offer solace. Long-term commitment is the key to dispelling doubts and earning recognition for our accomplishments.
So, fellow travelers on this journey, don't be disheartened if your doctor seems skeptical. Know that your perseverance will eventually speak volumes. Keep striving, keep advocating for yourself, and together, we can shift perceptions and pave the way for a more inclusive approach to type 2 diabetes management.
Thank you for tuning in to Joseph Onesta, Type 2 Mentor. Until next time, stay empowered and resilient in your journey towards better health.
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