Hey everyone, it's Joseph Onesta, your Type 2 mentor, coming to you from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. No, I'm not a doctor or a research scientist – just a clinical hypnotist who embarked on a journey to reverse my own diabetes and shed over 100 pounds. Since then, I've been on a mission to help others do the same.
Today, I want to chat about something near and dear to my heart – the power of cooking your own food. I know, I know, it's tempting to opt for convenience with restaurant meals or processed foods. But trust me, there's a deeper reason why we should take the reins in the kitchen.
Convenience and processed foods are two major culprits behind health issues like Type 2 diabetes. If we're only eating because it's convenient, we're setting ourselves up for trouble. And let's face it, many of us have been down that road.
Think about it – most restaurant dishes and processed foods are laden with mystery ingredients and additives. Ever wondered what exactly you're putting into your body? I sure have. That's why I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I recently had a client share a picture with me, and it got me thinking. They had bought a pre-packaged turkey breast, but the list of ingredients was a mile long, with chemicals I couldn't even pronounce.
So, I did a little experiment. I went to the grocery store, bought a whole turkey breast for the same price, and cooked it myself. And let me tell you, it was enlightening and frankly, why would you pay 11 bucks a pound for cooked turkey breast when in the space of a couple hours, you could have five pounds of food for the price of two? And it was tasty, too!
Cooking your own meals doesn't have to be complicated. Forget those TV shows about the worst cooks – anyone can learn the basics and eat healthier. Take my turkey breast, for example. I seasoned it with simple ingredients like butter, parsley, oregano, garlic, and onion, then popped it in the oven. A few hours later, I had a delicious, wholesome meal that I knew exactly what went into it.
So, why should you cook your own food? Because it's empowering. It's taking control of your health and saying no to the processed junk that's been holding you back. Trust me, once you start experimenting in the kitchen, you'll wonder why you ever relied on convenience foods in the first place.
So, join me in this journey to reclaim our health. Let's ditch the ultra-processed garbage and embrace real, whole foods. Because when it comes to our health, we deserve nothing but the best.
Until next time, Joseph Onesta, Type 2 Mentor